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Evolution Shift (The New World Book 3) Page 12
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Page 12
With that in mind, Kristyn realized that a wonderful opportunity could exist within Janet’s open ended invitation. Whenever she took the little ones to visit with Janet and Hank, Kristyn set a positive example for them by sitting down to learn whatever she could. While she received instruction from Janet on medical terminology or how to treat various injuries, Hank would occasionally quiz the little ones with games involving geography or rudimentary mathematics.
On one such occasion Janet asked, “Kristyn, you have been working very hard to create a positive environment for your sisters and brother, but have you dedicated any time or energy to yourself?”
“Not really. It hasn’t been a high priority.”
“Well, I think that you should. You know I can watch the little ones, and you could probably use some time alone or with others closer to your age.”
“I suppose that would be a nice diversion, and I will probably accept your offer soon. I would like to spend more time with Hank if possible. We have such a good friendship, and I would hate to see that slip away from neglect.”
The voice was in her head again, and while losing sleep because of it, Janet listened intently to the projected rambling thoughts of a longtime acquaintance. This marked the fifth instance within the previous three months that Janet had been awakened by the thoughts of Brittany, with each of those projections becoming progressively clearer. As a byproduct of the episodes, Janet had become aware of multiple feelings, opinions, emotions, and actions that the younger woman had probably intended to remain as privileged information. That belief was painfully solidified for Janet, as the most recent of Brittany’s projections, which had to have been accidental in nature, openly revealed a deceitful plan specifically targeted toward her. With that projection Janet suddenly realized that Brittany wasn’t the sweet and simple minded hormonal young woman that she had often pretended to be, and had done a masterful job of fooling those around her, including Janet and Aurora, into a few false assumptions.
In Janet’s case, one such assumption unfortunately involved Colt. Until now, Janet had believed that the younger woman had desires of seducing Colt for as long as it took until he succumbed to her obvious and more youthful temptations. Additionally, she had developed the thought that Colt harbored secret desires for Brittany after the young tart blindsided him with a passionate kiss. Brittany’s projections had now proved that the first of those assumptions was completely false, and with Colt’s subsequent death, the second, true or not, was of little consequence. Although upset with Brittany for the various levels of deceit that she had perpetrated upon Ross and the recruits, Janet was really angry that Brittany had been able to play her into behaving like a foolish adolescent school girl.
While staring at the ceiling to digest all that had been heard throughout the series of Brittany’s projections, Janet pondered over the joy she would feel by slapping the vicious woman in the face for her actions. Then for the first time she seriously considered the possibility of what Hank had proposed when the alien telepathically informed her he was in route to Earth. Now, as with Hank, Janet became a believer that their alien friend had received her thought projected plea for assistance with the virus. The idea had become more plausible to her now that Brittany had obviously developed the same telepathic ability.
The next morning at breakfast, Janet attempted to pull Hank’s attention away from the now nearly always present engineering schematics or drawings. She asked, “Hank, can I talk to you for a minute?”
Without looking up from the set of drawings that held his attention, he replied, “Sure mom. What’s on your mind?”
“Well for one thing, I would like you to look at me when I’m talking to you.”
Realizing he had been rude, Hank looked up and said, “Sorry about that mom. What do you want to talk about?”
“I hadn’t mentioned this to you after any of the other occasions, but I feel you should know about it now.”
“Alright mom, go ahead.”
“Last night I heard another vivid telepathic projection, but the thoughts didn’t come from our alien friend.”
“Then who did they come from?”
“Her name is Brittany. She is one of the recruits.”
“That’s interesting!”
“Do you remember her?”
“Sure I remember her, and I also remember that you and Aurora didn’t like her very much.”
“It’s not that I didn’t like her. We had known each other during our time in captivity, and I even considered her to be a friend. What’s probably more accurate is that I was afraid of her and what she represented. Aurora felt the same way, and I can understand how when you were only eight you would have interpreted our behavior as not liking her.”
“Alright, so why were you afraid of her then?”
“Aurora and I both thought that Brittany was trying to steal away Tikal or your father, but now I know that’s wasn’t true.”
“And you know that how?”
“I know that because of the content of her telepathy last night, and that’s why I wanted to talk to you. I thought about it for quite some time while lying awake, and I think you were correct when you first suggested that I had projected thoughts to our alien friend.”
“That was a couple of years ago mom, but I’m glad to know that you think I was right.”
“I do, and Brittany has provided the evidence to back it up. If she can telepathically project, then it makes sense that I possibly could too.”
“I agree, and we have known for a long time that she has the ability to receive.”
“That’s true, each of the long term abductees can.”
“So have you attempted to contact Brittany, or for that manner, any of the three pilots?”
“No I haven’t. I may try to contact the pilots, but I’m not sure yet if I want to contact Brittany.”
“But you freely admit that you once considered her to be a friend.”
“And then more recently, you were only afraid of her somehow stealing dad away from you.”
“Well obviously that isn’t an issue anymore, so why not make an attempt at contacting an old friend telepathically?”
“Because now, based on what I have heard from her own telepathy, I don’t like her very much!”
Although she had remained silent toward Brittany with her own projections, Janet continued to receive, with increased frequency, the unintended telepathy from Katoomba. Each of Brittany’s thought projections seemed to have added strength and clarity, so Janet took that as a sign. She theorized that it had to be only a matter of time before Brittany would stumble upon the reality of her own telepathic abilities.
What had been a pleasant development and surprise was the recent presence of a second telepathic voice from Katoomba. Although Janet was willing to attempt contact with the man, she was cautious as to the possibility of Brittany also receiving their exchange of thoughts. She decided to take an appropriate precaution by first projecting a short message toward her alien friend inquiring how she should proceed. The response was quick, “Telepathy begins with internal focus. When you intend to telepathically communicate with a single entity as opposed to many, then you must focus only on that entity and the message that you wish to project.”
That seemed logical, so armed with that knowledge; Janet found a quiet place and focused solely on her intended target in Katoomba. Her first projected message was simple, “Hello Joseph, this is Janet from Dripping Springs. Please don’t be afraid, but there is evidence to prove that you have recently developed telepathic abilities just like me.”
While gazing eastward toward the ruins of Sydney, Joseph suddenly placed both hands on his head and closed his eyes tightly. When Adelaide asked, “What’s wrong Joseph? Do you feel sick?”
“No, I feel fantastic. It would be difficult to explain, but the strangest sensation just came over me.”
Before having the opportunity to attempt
any further explanation, Janet’s projected thoughts could be heard again. “Please don’t let Brittany know that you can hear me, as I will make contact with her separately.”
He didn’t know why such a request had come across, but Joseph knew that Adelaide and Brittany were best friends. They told each other seemingly everything, and as a former military pilot he understood the need for privileged information upon occasion. Turning to Adelaide, he created a cover by saying, “It’s no big deal honey. I just have a slight headache.”
The third telepathic message then came to him, and Joseph needed to exhibit a stern poker face while absorbing all that it entailed. He had heard, “I know that you can receive my telepathy Joseph, and I have heard your unintentional thought projections from time to time as well. Our alien friends have been most helpful in the enhancement of my telepathic ability, and now I can help you do the same. Please start by focusing only on me, and then try to project a simple message.”
A moment later, Janet smiled broadly as she received a humorous message of, “Is this working Janet? If so, then I hope I’m not screaming at you.”
Her immediate response was, “Yes it’s working. I can hear you Joseph, and the volume level is fine. If you are not alone, then please focus on me again when you are.”
When five minutes had elapsed without receiving any projection, Janet moved on to other things. Realizing that she had effectively planted the telepathic seed within Joseph, she knew that he would contact her when he had the opportunity to do so privately.
When Joseph did contact Janet several hours later, his telepathy contained a simple greeting. After responding, she then received a series of completely understandable questions. As anticipated, Joseph inquired, “How did you discover that you had this ability? When did you first develop it? And is there anyone other than the two of us who can also use telepathy?”
In fielding those questions, and others that followed, Janet realized that she should attempt to make contact with the other two long term abductees who had returned to Earth as recruits. Then she reiterated to Joseph, “I would appreciate it if you could keep the knowledge of our telepathic abilities away from Brittany for the time being.”
“Sure Janet. I’ll do that, but can you tell me why?”
“You may know her quite differently as you have spent several years in the same population center with her, but her thought projections have revealed deceit in the past. The global population is already frustrated with each of us living well beyond others with the virus, so we don’t need to add fuel to the fire. As we further develop our abilities we should proceed with caution, and I’m just not sure that Brittany can be discreet with the knowledge, or use, of telepathic communication.”
“I understand your concern Janet, as she and my wife tend to talk about everything. You can rest easy though, I won’t tell either of them anything about this.”
“Thanks Joseph. Let’s communicate again soon.”
Following that communication, Janet contacted, and then responded to, the initial questions of the other two pilots. She was pleased to have introduced the concept of their telepathic abilities to each of the three men, and that they had accepted their personal evolution shift in stride.
Although all four members of their select group had been able to receive alien telepathy for many years, Janet was proud of knowing that she helped to establish a never before accomplished link. Now those same individuals could employ telepathy, both the projecting and receiving of, with the alien species and each other. Adding to that fascinating new reality was the fact that the communication between each of the humans could be accomplished from locations separated by thousands of miles. Janet believed that each member would need to be discreet with regard to who they informed of their collective ability for the time being, and politely asked them to do so. She also felt it was just as important to continue their personal development, but that could only be accomplished through determined focus and practice. Understanding that, she also suggested that they attempt discussions with each other, and as a group, on a regular basis.
Having entered system ₹-829, the newly designed fast alien scout ship prepared for arrival on the blue multi-ringed third planet. The flight log would reveal that the voyage had established a new record pace for traversing that portion of the quadrant, but that was not the pilot’s immediate concern. Full breaking then brought the vessel into what, at least in a visual sense, appeared to be a virtual crawl.
The maneuver commenced while at an equal distance from the host star with the fifth, and largest, of the eight planet system. Then the adjustable viewing screen revealed a familiar sight, as the multi-colored gas giant, with dozens of orbiting moons, was clearly visible in its granger. The magnificent view was brief however, as the floating marbles quickly shrank from sight.
After adjusting and locking the optics of the view screen to a forward facing perspective, the much smaller mass of the red fourth planet appeared within minutes. Then just seconds after leaving that orb in their wake, an unknown object was detected on a proximity monitor. Fearing that they may have miscalculated a comets path or had encountered a rogue asteroid, the pilot prepared for evasive maneuvers. Then the view screen revealed a small slow moving metallic object with a strange shinning flat surface protruding from it. Neither he nor his two crewmates had ever seen such a bizarre configuration for any type of space vehicle in any of the known systems, and were therefore understandably curious.
Mimicking a physical movement of Ross and many other humans, the pilot shrugged his small shoulders and thought projected, “The Earthlings must have developed a new design for the probes that they send to their neighboring planets.”
Nodding with comprehension, his navigator replied, “Do you think it’s a propulsion system of some kind?”
“That would seem logical, but we can’t be sure.”
“Should I plot a course around it to investigate?”
“No. We need to get to that blue planet now coming into view as quickly as possible. Besides, if that is some new propulsion system, we don’t know if our circling to investigate would somehow affect it or the surrounding vacuum.”
As the scout ship entered orbit for final slowing, and then proceeded to the chosen landing site near Janet’s location, the alien pilot smiled inwardly. He couldn’t wait to discuss at length when, and how, Janet had put the pieces together. Not long after his initial response to her plea, and the scout ships subsequent hurried departure, the alien had received another brief telepathic message from her. That message had become the next logical step within her shifted evolution, and revealed the new level of illumination that was beginning to transpire within Janet’s mind. She had projected, “If this entire episode hasn’t been a dream or some weird hallucination, then I truly believe that you can hear my thoughts. If my assessment is accurate, then would you please respond?”
Later that day a bolt of telepathic projection nearly knocked her off her feet, as she heard the reply of, “Yes, I can hear you Janet. Are you still in need of assistance?”
After her reply of “Yes, most definitely”, it would be sometime before the alien received another message from her. He was prepared for that based on something that his father had confided in him long ago. Some species, without realizing it, had difficulty accepting the wonders of their evolutionary process, and had limited themselves because of it. Although the ability for telepathic communication wasn’t present within the majority of their cataloged species, civilizations containing the correct building blocks to do so had occasionally delayed advancement for centuries of their respective timelines as a result of pre-programed beliefs. They had effectively discarded the notion that their species was capable of telepathy.
Based on her next communication, the alien believed that Janet had required an Earth year or perhaps longer to fully digest the prospect that she was now capable of telepathic thought. At that time Janet had asked quite plainly, “It’s obvious that I’m still in the in
fant stage of knowing how to properly use this new telepathic ability of mine, so I’m not sure if any of my messages get through to you until you respond. Can you tell me how many others of my species, on this planet or other worlds, have developed the same capability?”
Janet’s inquiry had revealed humbleness not often displayed when one discovers they have a profound new ability at their disposal, and had once again demonstrated Janet’s progression of self-awareness and enlightenment. Pleased by those early signs of acceptance toward her evolutionary shift, the alien responded in kind. “Thank you Janet. You have asked an important question while accepting a limitation. You, and those of your species, will need to ponder both aspects of your inquiry as you attempt to move into a new evolutionary era. I know that others of your species have developed a telepathic ability, but you are the first to communicate with me. Soon others, possibly without realizing it, will join you. Your role is to be patient, and help them along the path.”
That projection exchange had taken place only a few days prior by the alien timeline, but it had been more than two Earth years into the past. Since that time there had been less than a human handful of thought exchanges, but each had showed promise with regard to Janet’s early development. They also possessed a common thread, the need for help.
As the scout ship moved into position for touchdown, a group of citizens from within the Dripping Springs collective gathered around. Their numbers were significantly diminished when compared to the day that Ross and his group of genetic recruits had been deposited, but from the view screen their welcoming demeanor appeared to be unchanged. Smiling faces and waves of their arms revealed their pleasure in the alien’s return, and that became an instant comfort. Before opening the hatch for descent, the alien pilot projected, “Janet, are you there? Can you hear me?”
Within seconds he received a telepathic reply of, “Yes, I’m here. If you can hear me then you must be forewarned before you disembark. I’m glad you have arrived, and I know that you came as quickly as possible. Unfortunately there are some among us that don’t feel the same way, as they believe that your species has ignored their needs.”