Fractured Nation Read online

Page 5

  Following the instruction, Mason maintained a forward gaze and replied, “Yes sir.”

  “Good. Now you are my son and I will always love you, but know this. Your mother would be one of several people who would kill you.”

  After a few seconds of silence, Mason responded, “Kill me for what dad?”

  “Don’t patronize me by playing dumb Mason. I saw the look that you and our flight attendant gave each other and the way that she stroked your arm. I first noticed a similar, although less obvious, flirtation during our flight home from Denver just after the New Year began. At the time I thought it was innocent enough, or perhaps just my imagination, so I dismissed it. Then I noticed a few times back home when you seized an opportunity to offer others a seat you had occupied next to your wife. There is some tension between you and Courtney to be sure, and coupled with what I just witnessed, you have given me the impression that I was incorrect in my assessment of early January. I now believe that there may be something going on between you and Domonique, and you need to end it before you lose control. Affairs taint everything that surrounds them Mason and the reach of one can go far beyond what most people would believe. If you have been, or are conspiring to be, with that woman, it could jeopardize everything.”

  “But dad, I haven’t…”

  Cutting him off quickly, Samuel added, “Deny it if you will Mason, but please listen to me closely. I’m aware that she is an attractive woman who is a little younger than your wife, but this would go way beyond the stupidity of cheating on Courtney and betraying the trust of her and your two children. Domonique has been in the family employ for several years, and has caught the eye of many business associates, both male and female, who have flown with me. In that regard you are not alone in lusting after her, as that list of people has also included your older brother at some point in the past. She has, in her own way, been a valuable and worthwhile tool for this family by flirting with certain individuals that helped close business deals, and even your mother is supportive of keeping Domonique on staff for that very reason. But Mason, all of that changes when it comes to you or Kyle, because we are talking about trust. As a flight attendant Domonique has done excellent work, but has also most assuredly overheard some delicate discussions while serving in her current job capacity. Even though she has been fully vetted by our security staff both before she was hired and during her employ, we don’t want to ever provide her with a reason to become disloyal. If you become romantically involved with Domonique and then casually cast her aside, that could lead to a larger problem of attempted blackmail of our family. If such an event were to unfold, then that is when I would be joining the line of those who would kill you for your infidelity.”

  Realizing that his father’s tone and message dictated total seriousness, Mason replied, “I swear to you dad, I have not been with Domonique.”

  “But you want to?”

  “Well sure dad, the thought had crossed my mind. I mean just look at her. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want to be with her?”

  “Please don’t be an idiot Mason, as that question simply answers itself. Any man in his right mind, especially one who has a family and responsibilities of a scope that go well beyond them, wouldn’t want to be with her!”

  Feeling rather embarrassed at forty years of age for having been called out and scolded by his father, Mason cautiously replied, “I understand sir.”

  Driving the point home, Samuel was quick to add, “I certainly hope that you do Mason, as there are a few different ways that this can be handled. The best scenario for everyone is that you get a grip on reality and stop flirting with her. That would mean that things could return to the way they were during past years, and I wouldn’t need to worry about how Domonique would look at Courtney or your mother when they were using the plane. You don’t have to be rude, but if she continues to flirt then tell her to stop. If she doesn’t, then inform Domonique that I would like to speak with her about the terms of her employment contract and the lack of professionalism that she is displaying toward my son. A more aggressive approach would be to have you fly to and from El Paso and other destinations commercially as you oversee your particular aspect of the overall plan. If you’re not using our family plane, then you and Domonique wouldn’t have contact with one another and the problem could be solved. A third option unfortunately isn’t as kind, and I would regret needing to go in that direction because she deserves better than what would be a ruthless solution.”

  “What do you mean by a ruthless solution?”

  “I think you know exactly what I’m saying Mason, but I will spell it out for you. Domonique would need to be fired, and based on what I have said about her knowledge of previous discussions on the plane, that would mean that she would also need to disappear.”

  “Disappear? That seems rather harsh don’t you think?”

  “Perhaps it is, but not when you fully consider all that is at stake.”

  After several seconds of reflective thought, Mason said, “Well, I suppose that’s true.”

  “I want you to think clearly Mason, as there’s absolutely no supposing about this! Now for the moment it’s up to you how we will proceed, and you need to focus on the big picture to help you determine the proper course of action. Please don’t create a situation that would cause Courtney, your mother, or your children, to entertain the possibility of you being with Domonique. There should be no doubt on your part that such a romance would be short lived, because I will not hesitate to order a sanction on our flight attendant if necessary. Am I being clearly understood?”

  With a gulp of disbelief, Mason replied, “Yes sir, I understand.”

  “Good. Now I see number thirty one standing just inside the glass doors. Let’s keep this conversation between the two of us, and return our focus to the business at hand.”

  Three days after landing in El Paso for the necessary meetings and scouting with number thirty one, Samuel felt that it was time for him to have a look at the training facility. Although the airstrip had been completed at the site to handle the needs of the jumpers from twin engine propeller aircraft, its length of compacted dirt runway simply wasn’t suitable for the Gulfstream G280 jet to land and takeoff. At the advice of his longtime pilot, and having learned that Mason had done the same during both the purchase of the land and the construction of the airstrip, Samuel agreed to use the Pecos County Airport in Fort Stockton as an alternative for landing. Mason had also informed his father that the family owned a vehicle parked at the airport, which would make the ninety minute trip from Fort Stockton comfortable.

  Just south of the small town of Alpine Texas, along the desolate highway-118 that led toward Big Bend National Park, Samuel and Mason neared their intended destination. With now less than three miles to go, Mason turned the suburban onto a dirt road heading east. In the distance, rising slightly over six thousand feet above sea level, they could see Bird Mountain. That would be used for high altitude training of the ground and air personnel for several months leading up to the time of their mission, and as a result of scampering about the mountain while forging trails, they would all be in the peak of physical health.

  After a somewhat bouncy ride into the area of the facility, Samuel climbed out of the vehicle to see some familiar faces. The three men who had met with him at the Waffle House in Conroe where all standing next to what would soon be a completed hanger facility. While approaching the vehicle, one of them said, “Well hello number two, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  As the other two were only a few strides behind, Samuel replied, “Hello gentlemen. How are all of you doing this fine day?”

  Motioning back over his shoulder, the first of the three said, “We are right on schedule. With help from number seven, the balance of the needed forty-two men will be brought in before the first of May. Everyone has been working well together, and as you can see, the airstrip is in good shape and the hangar facility is almost completed. We anticipate no problems with having
the cover of a skydiving school fully operational before Memorial Day weekend.”

  “That’s excellent news gentlemen, and the landing zone?”

  “We have a crew working on that as well. Per your specifications, they have already cleared away the brush and smoothed out a large rectangular zone. Then they completed the inner lines of that rectangle measuring three hundred sixty feet by one hundred sixty feet with rocks of various sizes and painted them bright white. As of right now, they are working on the next rectangle that will be six feet outside of the first. When that is complete, they will move to the largest another fifty feet outside of the second.”

  “How long should that take?”

  “Only a few days number two. We now have nearly our full complement of manpower, and those who are assigned to that aspect of the project are gathering the necessary rocks as we speak”

  “Excellent, and have you contacted number twenty three to discuss documentation for the recruits?”

  “Yes we have, and per your instructions each of the men were photographed before being sent here. Although it will take some time to complete, she will have her team begin the work on the necessary false identities for all of them.”

  “That’s very well done gentlemen, well done indeed. Now, is there any possibility of my son and I having a look at the facility from above?”

  “Certainly number two. Just say the word and I’ll get one of the pilots to take you up.”

  “Thank you, and consider that word to be given.”

  Gathered around the large office table as they had done several weeks prior, Samuel and the group of attack planners began another taxing session. Staring at a six by eight foot map of Colorado and the fringes of her neighboring states, they faced a daunting task. It was unrealistic to believe that the attacking force striking at the mountain zone site could achieve their goal in the same fashion that had been planned out for the two eastern locations. Additionally, a completely different escape plan would need to be conjured up by the collective brain trust, and in so doing, the need for any support from the ground personnel would undoubtedly be altered as well.

  Fortunately Samuel had been working on each aspect of that problem for several weeks, and he believed that he had at least some of the answers that they collectively sought. He opened the meeting by saying, “I would like to remind all of you that this will be an open forum for suggestion as usual, and as the time for us to solve this issue is rapidly ticking away, I recommend that none of you hold back with your opinions.”

  The man who had exposed and detailed the downside implications of an easterly escape from the Maryland site then said, “Do you have something to lead us off with number two?”

  “Yes I do. Per our previous discussions when we ironed out all the attack plans for New York and Maryland, and based on our collective inability to do the same with Colorado, I sanctioned manpower and financial resources into the area to explore possible solutions to our problem. That action has led to the identification of an exploitable situation and a few exchange points which could serve our purposes, but they will require a skill set that we have not yet tapped into.”

  “What are you getting at number two?”

  “Well, per your passing mention of it as a possibility in eastern Maryland or Delaware if we had chosen such a directional escape; I suggest that we incorporate our own air support for the Colorado location.”

  “That’s an interesting thought, but I wasn’t really serious with that suggestion.”

  “That may be, and of course air support won’t be needed in Maryland, but I believe that it will be necessary in Colorado.”

  “And that’s where the exploitable situation and exchange points come in?”

  “Yes indeed.”

  “Alright number two; it sounds as if you have a promising start in mind. Fill us in on your thoughts, and perhaps we can all build upon them.”

  “At this point I only have a small piece of the puzzle worked out. What I propose will be bold and daring to a degree well beyond that which will be required at the other two locations, but that is exactly why I believe it will work.”

  Based on the numerous discussions that had lasted for more than a week with his team of attack planners, and having finalized those intended logistics for the Colorado location, Samuel climbed aboard the family jet for a flight to Laredo. Once there, he hailed a taxi for the short ride to the border and walked across the bridge into Mexico. Waiting for him at a pre-determined restaurant in Nuevo Laredo was a jovial man of near fifty who greeted Samuel with a smile. Their meeting had been set up via a man in Oro Valley Arizona that Samuel had never met, but the intelligence gathered on the family background since January was comprehensive and showed that they had a tendency to recognize opportunity when it was presented.

  Spotting the identifiable insignia that Samuel was told would be worn by his contact, he moved toward the man leaning against the bar. Then with extended hand he said, “It’s nice to meet you sir, and may I offer my congratulations to you and your family for Kevin’s upcoming graduation from West Point?”

  Speaking nearly perfect English, the man replied, “Thank you very much. It’s sometimes hard for me and my wife to believe that his time there is nearly complete. We will join my brother and his wife at the commencement in about two weeks, and it will be a proud moment for all of us. I also understand that my nephew and your grandson Jason have become good friends while at West Point.”

  “That’s my understanding as well, and I hope that the friendship between our two families that Kevin and Jason have established will continue for years to come.”

  From the neighboring table a seated woman with her back to them added, “What a lovely sentiment. We feel the same way, and perhaps what we accomplish today will help to solidify both of our families’ mutual desire.”

  Samuel turned toward the woman, removed his favorite cowboy hat, and said, “Mrs. Flores I presume? I’m glad that you both could make the trip from Monterrey.”

  Rising to face him, she replied, “That is correct Mr. Tillman, and it was no trouble at all. We often do business here in Nuevo Laredo, so that is why we suggested this location to my husband’s brother in Arizona. Now then, how may my husband and I help you?”

  “I would like to purchase an old helicopter that can be refurbished for transportation needs, and my understanding is that you could help me with that quest.”

  “That is correct. We do have access to a surplus of old helicopters of various models in the Monterrey area that have been retired from Mexican military service. Do you have an idea of what type you are looking for that will suit your purposes?”

  “Yes ma’am I do. I’m looking for a model that was of Soviet design used by dozens of countries in the world throughout the past several decades. It’s a MIL MI-8 HIP-C.”

  Mr. Flores took the lead once again and announced, “That’s a fairly large bird Mr. Tillman, and depending on the model, it could be used for many purposes. I believe that you may already be aware of what such a helicopter is capable of carrying with regard to payload, as your knowledge of the model number and country of origin implies some research. Therefore it’s reasonable to assume your understanding that the HIP-C is primarily a transport version as opposed to others that possess more lethal characteristics.”

  “Yes Mr. Flores. Thank you for pointing out the distinction, but I’m interested in something for the transport of personnel only.”

  “Very well then Mr. Tillman. I do know of two such birds that could be made available for purchase, and depending on how comfortable you make the passenger cabin during the restoration process, she could comfortably seat as many as fifteen.”

  Although more than willing to do business with the Flores family and their associates, Samuel remained cautious as to revealing the true intent of the helicopter. He replied, “Thank you Mr. Flores. That model is the size that I had in mind, but as it will be used to shuttle some of my business associates to places without
a landing strip in comfort, the seating will be for no more than eight or ten.”

  Slightly more than one hundred miles before the Madura would arrive at its destination port of Galveston Texas, a one hundred twenty foot fishing trawler eased its way into a position along the starboard side. Departing from her home port of Mersin on the southern coast of Turkey in the eastern reaches of the Mediterranean Sea, the massive container ship had needed more than a week to make its way into the Atlantic Ocean via the Strait of Gibraltar and then complete the crossing toward North America and into the Gulf of Mexico. After passing to the south of the Bahamas and Florida keys, she set a direct course toward Galveston. Now with the intended journey nearly complete, the Madura had slowed significantly as she closed on her port of call. Within one of her hundreds of shipping containers were several dozen crates that would require attention before reaching port and a potential United States customs inspection. Therefore, the crates had already been prepared for their transfer from the Madura onto the approaching fishing trawler.

  With the smaller vessel matching the speed and course of the container ship, the captain of the trawler made a minor steering adjustment to port in order to edge his craft closer. As he did so, a large cargo net began to lower from above. Within seconds of touching down on the aft deck, his crew began to unload all of the crates. Then when the process had been successfully repeated twice more during the next ten minutes, the transfer was complete.

  As the trawler increased speed and began to gently peel away to the starboard for a more northerly heading, her captain looked at his radar screen. Turning to the man who had come aboard early the previous morning in Galveston, he said, “Well Kyle, there’s still nothing on the screen except for the Madura. It looks like we’re in the clear.”